Fabric Color |
Beige, Black, Bone, Brown, Burgundy, Forest Green, Fuchsia, Gold, Grape, Kelly Green, Lilac, Limeade, Navy Blue, Pink, Powder Blue, Punch, Royal Blue, Silver, Splash, Spring Camouflage, Steel Gray, Steel Orange, Turquoise, White, Yellow
Frame Color |
Aluminum, Black Steel, Limeade, Punch, Royal Blue, Steel Gray, Steel Orange, White Steel
Available Accessories |
Roller Bags, Sidewalls, ProFlags™, Banners, Vendor Table, Instant Table™, Directors Chair, Heavy-Duty Stake Kit, Weight Bags
Top Description |
E-Z UP® Instant Shelter® tops are fire resistant treated to meet fire code CPAI-84, Fabric is coated to resist water, ultraviolet rays and mildew, Fabric is commercial grade